Are you driving to Avignon?

Save money!

When making your purchase, tick the Parking option and benefit from a 10% discount on the 24h package (18€ instead of 20€) and a 20% discount on the 48h package (32€ instead of 40€) (Sold exclusively on the website)

How does it work?

You can park at the Palais des Papes parking lot. Pick up a ticket at the entrance terminal and present your Avignon City Pass or e-ticket at the parking lot reception desk. Present your Avignon City Pass so that the car park attendant can issue you with a ticket for the duration of your chosen package, allowing you to enter and leave the parking lot several times and activate your Avignon City Pass. 

Please note (1 package / car)
  • Place your electronic toll card in the athermal pocket so that it is not detected when you pass through.
  • Once parked, go to the parking lot reception desk to collect your 24h or 48h parking ticket and activate your Avignon City Pass.
  • Once validated by the parking lot receptionist, your Avignon City Pass is active and can be used for 24h or 48h.
  • Any overrun will be billed automatically at the exit terminal
  • Your parking pass allows you to park in the Palais des Papes parking lot