The Chaterhouse, Villeneuve lez Avignon

Museum and monument / Included

Founded by Pope Innocent VI in 1356, whose tomb it houses, the Charterhouse is one of the largest monasteries of the Carthusian order.

€8.00 Free with the Pass!


58 rue de la République
30400 Villeneuve lez Avignon

+33 490 15 24 24

-Tactile model available, translated into Braille
-Length of visit: approx. 1 hour
-Pets are welcome. They must be kept on a leash.
-Site with "Accueil Vélo" label

15 min from Avignon and the Palais des Papes
30 min from Pont du Gard
- From the A7, take the "Avignon nord" exit, follow Avignon Centre then Villeneuve lez Avignon across the "Pont Daladier" bridge, then turn right towards Villeneuve Centre. Continue for approx. 1 km, then go straight on at the traffic circle, round the Fort Saint-André to the traffic lights. La Chartreuse parking lot (3) is on your left.
- From the A9, take the "Remoulins" exit, then follow signs for Avignon and Villeneuve lez Avignon.

Horaires d'ouverture

Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. non-stop. Please note that the Chartreuse will be exceptionally closed between 1pm and 2pm on Tuesday April 16.
Open on Mondays in July and August, and on Whit Monday.
Closed May 1st
Last admission: 30 minutes before closing time 

For the Bookshop: 11am to close of the monument. Closed Mondays and Sundays
For the Library Café: Tuesday to Saturday, 1:30 pm to monument closing time. From April to September, the café is also open on Sundays.

The Chartreuse, Villeneuve lez Avignon

Founded by Pope Innocent VI in 1356, it is one of the largest and most remarkable monasteries of the Carthusian order, with a church, three cloisters and forty cells, its gardens and the fresco chapel of the famous painter of the Papal Palace, Matteo Giovannetti. Today, La Chartreuse is also a major artists' residence....