Located in the Fort Saint André area, the former Benedictine and royal abbey overlooks the Rhône and faces the Cité des Papes.

Visit of the Gardens of the Abbey of Saint André, Villeneuve lez Avignon

Park & Garden

A rare place that harmoniously combines the art of gardens, a mosaic of heritage and the history of Languedoc and Provence since the 6th century !

€9.00 Free with the Pass!


Rue Montée du Fort
30400 Villeneuve lez Avignon

+33 490 25 55 95

  • Length of self-guided tour: average 45 minutes / 1 hour
  • Admission possible up to 45 minutes before monument closes
  • Pets are not allowed (even on a leash or in a bag).
  • Entrance to the gardens gives access to the gardens, the historical tour and the exhibition rooms located on the ground floor of the Palais, following the historical tour rooms.
Horaires d'ouverture

March and October: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm.
April to September: 10am - 6pm.
Open Easter Monday and Whit Monday.
In March, closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. From April 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024, closed on Mondays.
Closed in November, December, January and February.

Hortus Café open April to September (visitors only)


  • Documentation available in Braille, in large print on request and tactile models for groups on reservation 

Access conditions

Gardens of the Abbey of Saint André, Villeneuve lez Avignon

Awarded the "Remarkable Garden" label in 2014, the abbey's gardens unfold between the remains of Romanesque churches and 6th-century tombs: Mediterranean plants, olive trees and century-old pines.... In the 2 hectares of gardens, it's rare to discover so many remarkable species (111 listed) and historical relics. A succession of atmospheres to explore: Tuscan, Provençal, romantic, mineral... along a walk where it's good to recharge your batteries. On the heights of Mont Andaon, these balcony gardens offer a panoramic view of Avignon's Popes'Palace.


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Au fil du lin et du chanvre exhibition, Joanna Staniszkis

From 4 September to 31 October 2024


Joanna Staniszkis studied fine art in Warsaw, then at the Academy of Art in Chicago, and taught textile design and historical costume in Canada for many years. At the same time, she was creating tapestries in her studio, with a predilection for textures, hand-spun materials, natural dyes, plastic and technical exploration, as well as the concern to always conceive perennial works. "In the rich and vast vocabulary of fabrics, she finds inspiration and knowledge." Now based in the Lubéron region of France, her contemporary constructions offer translucent prints on silk and gauze, evoking the evolution of nature: growth, tangled branches or roots, decay, delicately woven nests... Printing, dyeing, stamping and pleating are all mastered with lightness, giving rise to magical installations and garments... With a historical bias that, after silk, embraces linen and hemp fabrics, echoing the ancestral knowledge of Provence.

Jardins de l'Abbaye St André